Managing and Mentoring People with Destiny | Module 8
How to lead and manage your team to grow and flourish
Executive summary
One of the most essential attributes of any business is how it values people – its customers, employees, and suppliers. Christian business leaders care for others by managing, mentoring, and coaching people into healthy mindsets, free from negative personal, organizational, or cultural attitudes. Module 8 will challenge you to build your business and conduct your work upon a solid relational foundation. This module will help you develop the skill of leading people into fulfilling and productive work that enhances their maturity and professional development. The module ends with you engaging the power of prophetic confession to accelerate transformation in your life and those around you.
Session 1:
Basic Principles of Management
Session 2:
Building Our Businesses on A Relational Foundation - I
Session 3:
Building Our Businesses on A Relational Foundation - II
Session 4:
Knowing When the Game Is On: God’s Green Light
Examine principles of transformation in the context of the opportunities we have to lead employees, managers, and organizations.
Evaluate the relational health of the people you work with, and adopt leadership practices that cultivate transparency, respect, and dignity in your relationships at work.
Discern relational characteristics and attitudes that undermine the relational capacity of you and others so that you can determine what you need to do to overcome and grow.
Enable you to build a work culture where each person functions as a team member who contributes to the strength of the whole organization.
Access to all audio and video lecture presentations through our online platform and Kajabi mobile app.
Rich session notes of the lectures, with reflection questions, team discussion points, probing worldview questions, inter-generational discussion prompts, and strategic application assignments.
Thought-provoking interviews that set the material within recent economic and business trends.
A printed spiral-bound workbook.
Course content and conversations
Basic Principles of Management
Session 1
In this conversation, we discuss management principles, particularly how to lead employees and managers, given the realities of today’s labor markets and the tendency of employees to move on from one job to another. We also discuss how to treat emerging leaders like “sons and daughters” and what this means in a professional environment.
Building Our Businesses on a Relational Foundation
Session 2 - Part I
In this session, we discuss building a business on a relational foundation because God builds relationally. Your building should reference how God fits people together as He chooses and for His purpose. We consider the vital steps a business leader must implement when building a robust relational culture in their business.
Building Our Businesses on A Relational Foundation
Session 3 - Part II
We define what is meant by the distinction between “sons and daughters” vs. employees, especially in an era when we are expected to treat everyone equally. We also discuss how the societal breakdown of the family contributes to undermining our capacity to build generationally and relationally in our places of work.
Caring for People and Things
Session 4
In this session, we focus on our role as mediators of God’s grace to one another. We discuss the connection between being a mediator of God’s grace and how that contributes to growing in God by caring for people and things.
Knowing When the Game Is On: God’s Green Ligh
Session 5
We discuss our journey to become complete and fulfilled in the Word God has spoken and why it is necessary to be tested to see if we can be separated from our words. This session serves as a warning that our declaration of vision is about to be tested. We discuss how we successfully prepare to face this reality.