Keys to Successful Business Life | Module 6
How to attain success through obedience to God's will and ways
Executive summary
Module 6 provides distinct characteristics that set a Christian business leader apart from others. As Christians, our ethical practices at work should exceed, both in terms of quality and demonstration, the broadly accepted ethical practices of the marketplace. Our integrity shows how we value others over the bottom line. Consequently, how we measure success should be in accordance with what God has called us to accomplish and the alignment to God’s way that we adhere to in the process. This module will enable you to identify how to make ethical and responsible decisions and agreements that maintain your integrity as a business leader who desires to fulfill God’s calling.
Session 1:
Biblical Ethics in the Workplace
Session 2:
What Is Your Organization Called to Do?
Session 3:
Changing Man & His Institutions
Session 4:
The Nature & Power of Agreements
Session 5:
Transformation Begins with You
Use Scripture, godly counsel, and ethical reflection procedures to help us determine what is ethical.
Understand how the gifts and strengths of those you work with can develop and flourish within the parameters of what your organization is called to produce and provide.
Encourage internally motivated change in those you're responsible.
Determine how to effectively clarify agreements with others while honing your communication skills.
Discern your own motivations to pursue change and transformation.
Access to all audio and video lecture presentations through our online platform and Kajabi mobile app.
Rich session notes of the lectures, with reflection questions, team discussion points, probing worldview questions, inter-generational discussion prompts, and strategic application assignments.
Thought-provoking interviews that set the material within recent economic and business trends.
A printed spiral-bound workbook.
Course content and conversations
Biblical Ethics in the Workplace
Session 1
What Is Your Organization Called to Do?
Session 2
"People don't understand their fit if they don't understand what they are fitting into." Dr. Rob McKenna. We discuss how popular thinking places emphasis on the importance of knowing your personal calling rather than the calling of the organization in which you serve. We discuss why both are important, and how employees and employers should be committed to bringing personal and corporate mission alignment.
Changing Man & His Institutions
Session 3
In this session, we expose the major economic intellectual strongholds impacting Western culture, such as: the Bible is not considered legitimate in economic and business spheres; success is measured by our accumulation of power and riches; the primary goal of economics is to manage scarce resources; competition drives the free market; and the claim that God aligns with one economic system, not others. We also discuss the cumulative impact of these accepted beliefs on our culture.
The Nature & Power of Agreements
Session 4
In this session, we discuss how our responses to necessary rules and agreements in business reveal who we are. Our world espouses that your identity is self-determined; therefore, your responses to rules and agreements “put” on you are interpreted as limiting and confining as limitations and confinements. We attempt to break this myth and discover why our positive responses to necessary rules and agreements are a prerequisite to success.
Transformation Begins with You
Session 5
This session contrasts a self-centered and a God-centered motivation to embrace transformation, illustrating how different motivations create divergent management efficiencies. Thus, we discuss how a person’s or organization’s motivation to change will impact their ability to manage, lead, or become efficient.