Foundations of Workplace Ministry | Module 4
How to build a foundation for long-term ministry in the workplace
Executive summary
Module 4 provides key foundation stones vital to establishing an unhindered long-term ministry in the workplace that will serve even generations to come. Understanding the critical role that the family plays in a healthy society and economy is paramount as you give yourself to building a long-term vision. As business leaders, you will be challenged to balance pastoral “priestly” functions with executive “kingly” responsibilities in the workplace. You will discover how the organizations you build should reflect the strategic pattern of how God builds.
Session 1:
The Foundations of Economics & Family Management
Session 2:
Our Ministry as Kings & Priests
Session 3:
Walking in Financial Freedom
Session 4:
Building Organizations on God’s Word & God’s Pattern
Session 5:
How Your Workplace Ministry Fits into The Big Picture
Grow the necessary godly aspects of leadership that will increase the effectiveness of key leverage points in your organization towards carrying out a long-term generational vision.
Discover how others in your organization learn so that you can become more effective in teaching and leading others in your organization towards beneficial change.
Discern how the spirit of mammon influences how you accumulate, spend, and invest riches in your attempt to maintain control or project success.
Apply faith to how you will walk in the gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit appropriately in your work.
Discover how you will practice principles of God’s kingdom personally in preparation for applying them more skillfully within the places of influence you serve.
Access to all audio and video lecture presentations through our online platform and Kajabi mobile app.
Rich session notes of the lectures, with reflection questions, team discussion points, probing worldview questions, inter-generational discussion prompts, and strategic application assignments.
Thought-provoking interviews that set the material within recent economic and business trends.
A printed spiral-bound workbook.
Course content and conversations
The Foundations of Economics & Family Management
Session 1
In this conversation, we discuss why the health of the nuclear family is so vital to a vibrant economy. We discuss how modern economists have decoupled economics from the importance of healthy and productive families in their attempt to justify more sophisticated economic systems, such as modern monetary theory.
Our Ministry as Kings & Priests
Session 2
In this session, we focus on the ultimate question in life: how do we experience transformation? We discuss how sin affects us personally but also systemically, yet both the Christian community and the world choose only to recognize the personal or the cultural reality of wrongdoing, and that the inability to recognize both hinders our transformation.
Walking in Financial Freedom
Session 3
As we look at how the world believes that we are successful when we have money that provides a level of security and significance, we debunk the myth that success is tied to how much money we make or possess. We examine why we tend to default to this narrow determination of what constitutes success as humans.
Building Organizations on God’s Word & God’s Pattern
Session 4
In this conversation, we discuss the importance of building organizational security amid economic uncertainty by looking to God’s word and by emulating the pattern and principles of how He builds.
How Your Workplace Ministry Fits into The Big Picture
Session 5
In this discussion, we look at the development of the faith-work movement and discuss the progress of three phases of the movement and what may be preventing it from progressing toward more significant influence.