Module 1: Worldview Connections

Course Module Preview

This foundational course module will enable you to discern and evaluate personal and culturally-based economic belief systems that seek to justify the agendas we choose. We grow in maturity as we apply Godly thinking and strategy to what we own. In turn, right-thinking yields creativity and productivity. We hinder our maturity, however, when we allow worldly ideas to warp our understanding of reality. Such ideas undermine our work ethic and trap us in a poverty mindset. 

This course addresses how to break free from the world’s economic thought systems by challenging their assumptions, ultimately replacing them with a biblical worldview that will reap creative and fruitful productivity.


A brief description of each session is provided below , along with a video introducing each session and a conversation between program author Dennis Peacocke and BridgePoint Forum director Simon Mould.

Worldview Connections Content:

Session 1:
Called to Stewardship

In this session, we discover how God desires to fellowship with us is quite different from the typical practices of spiritual devotion. God fellowships with us through our work by extending His material world to us and giving us His principles of managing and stewarding its resources. Engaging in this work with Him is our calling. These fresh perspectives will revitalize our vision to work and enable us to identify the hindrances that effective fellowship with God through our work.

Session 2:
Servant Leaders Produce Ownership

In this session, we discover that the world’s economic categorizations of capitalism and socialism are not adequate to describe the economic model we find in Scripture. The session unpacks a biblical model for business leaders with servant-leadership, ownership, and stewardship as its dominant traits. This session enables us to determine how to cultivate a sense of stewardship and ownership among those we work.

Session 3:
The Mind Justifies What the Heart Has Chosen

In this session, we see why it is essential to understand the nature of presuppositions, how they work, and why they determine how people think and act. Understanding a person’s presuppositions is vital in challenging how a person thinks and helps them think clearly with a biblical worldview. Session 3 explains how decisions originate with a heart choice and how the mind then rationalizes choices in an attempt to justify those choices. This process enables us to discern the assumptions, motivations, and agendas of ourselves and others in the workplace and contrast them to God’s will.

Session 4:
Exposing Assumptions

Since what we think colors our perspective of reality and determines how we respond to people and situations, it is imperative that we allow an honest evaluation of our perspective to determine how it aligns with truth and reality. This session will expose how personal and culturally held assumptions can be identified and how examining the fruit of these assumptions helps us to assess whether they are worth holding on to or replaced. We are challenged to identify assumptions we make about situations and people and determine the root cause of why the assumptions are made and assess their validity. This process enables you to change our thinking about how we view situations and people that matter to our work.

Session 5:
The War Between Two Seeds

In this session, we learn why our salvation’s focus while on earth is to experience the presence of God’s Kingdom now. The work we apply ourselves to is eternal in nature. The skills we develop, the relationships we build, the stewardship we will cultivate are all transferable traits that we will use in eternity. This session enables us to recognize God’s presence and His wisdom that is available in our work that will change our work motivation, productivity, and ethic.

Session 6:
Freedom from Pharaoh’s Propaganda Machine

In this session, we discover how economic ideology and policies produce outcomes, sometimes unintended. Since God desires that our minds be redeemed, we will identify how worldly deceptions, biases, and agendas have crept into the media, education, and even our churches. This session enables us to evaluate the extent to which our thinking has been influenced by media bias, religious deception, or other forms. We will be able to determine the criteria we should use to assess the validity and bias of information sources before making conclusions.


We hope you find this Module Preview inspiring. Access the free demo session to explore the material. Or, if you have further questions, please contact us with the button below.